
    The single biggest obstacle for women getting out of a sex trade situation is lack of access to a new job or life.

    For over 9 years, it has been Rethreaded’s mission to renew hope, reignite dreams and release potential for survivors of human trafficking locally and globally through business.  This 501c3 provides a second chance at life through employment for survivors of human trafficking in Jacksonville, Florida.  Women have employment opportunities in different facets of the company including production, inventory, sales, marketing and finance/administration.

    Rethreaded also operates as a distribution company that sells products from like-minded businesses who also employ women who have found freedom from the sex trade.  From t-shirts, scarves, dog toys, purses (including fun ones from upcycled airplane seats), their website has a wide variety of products to choose from.

    Rethreaded started with a simple idea and a strong passion from its founder, Kristin Keen. She began by forming relationships with women on the street and making prison visits and realized that the greatest need was for a safe, supportive work environment where the women could earn money while learning a skill and experiencing continued healing through community. Working in partnership with the City Rescue Mission of Jacksonville, Rethreaded hired its first full-time employee in November 2012.

    Rethreaded’s dream is to never say no to a woman who is ready to start a new life. Currently, Rethreaded employs 31 people in 2,800 square feet.  In 2021, they plan to move into 20,000 sq. ft., which will allow for expanding the program to over 60 survivors.


    In addition to providing employment and training for employment, Rethreaded also provides counseling to help the survivors as they navigate through their new lives.

    How you can help:

    Host an online party for friends to make purchases of upcycled items.

    Sponsor a “Gift of Hope” curated gift box for employees, clients, friends, and family.

    Donate to the new building fund and be recognized with a keychain or brick.

    Volunteer at the facility-learn more about human trafficking while recycling airplane seats.



    2021! 52 Weeks of Giving!

    Welcome to 2021 and my personal 52-week journey through something that is inherently important to me…giving. Giving of time or giving of treasure, I believe that giving creates a circle of happiness…for all of us. Each week, I’ll explore, highlight and contribute to a charity…


    1. Love this organization!! Thank you for sharing. Kirk and Maddi are in Jacksonville and I’m going to make sure I tell them about it:)

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